About Us

The Ukrainian Children's Christian Fund (UCCF) is a charitable organization registered and located in the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia, Canada. Founded by Michael & Olga Lapka, the society was registered in 1976, and was previously known as PCF Missionary Fellowship. When Mike and Olga "retired" they re-focused their outreach specifically to the many orphaned and needy children and families in the Ukraine in the wake of the changing political climate. After Mike was called Home in 2003, Olga continued the work until her recent passing into Glory in March, 2020.

UCCF continues to be administered out of Canada, under the direction of a dedicated Board of Volunteers. In the Ukraine, an equally dedicated group of volunteer Christian workers lead Sunday School classes, run Christian camps at Peaceful Haven Camp on the Azov Sea, provide Christian literature, and distribute basic humanitarian aid. In Germany, Sabine Besmehn is the UCCF representative.

The goals of UCCF are:

1. To spread the Gospel of Love in our Lord Jesus Christ to children and families in the Ukraine

2. To demonstrate the love of Christ by giving basic necessities to needy children: the orphans, abandoned little ones, the sick.

3. To encourage fellowship among Christians across borders, nations, and miles, by sharing news, blessings, and opportunities to serve one another "in Christ."